Announcing Cigar Life Guy!

 In Life Insurance, Term Life Insurance

New Lifestyle Brand from Dave Arlinghaus at DaveLife!

Very excited to share with you our new cigar lifestyle brand for all the cigar enthusiasts out there.  Increasingly cigar smokers have become an important part of the DaveLife insurance practice.

The website and related social media are primarily about the cigar lifestyle and celebrating a good social cigar.

Cigar smokers get non-tobacco rates on life insurance with Cigar Life Guy

Importantly, Cigar Life Guy helps regular cigar smokers navigate through the complexities of shopping for life insurance and helps regular, even daily cigar smokers get non-tobacco rates on life insurance.  There are only an handful of companies that will offer non-tobacco rates to regular cigar smokers.  Going with the right company is incredibly important.  Dave Arlinghaus and the Cigar Life Guy team stay on top of the best carriers to go with and place regular cigar smokers where they’ll get the best deal.

Keys to Getting the Best Deal – Non-tobacco rates on life insurance for Daily Cigar Smokers

  • You must disclose your cigar use on your application
  • You can’t also smoke cigars
  • You must apply with the right company
  • You must otherwise qualify for life insurance

Cigar Life Guy leverages many years of experience and understanding of the nuances of life insurance underwriting to make sure cigar smokers don’t pay too much for life insurance.

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